Welcome! Read an excerpt from this new YA release below...
By Kara Leigh Miller
Christian YA Contemporary
Paperback & ebook, 175 Pages
May 19th 2020 by Anaiah Press, LLC
Isabelle Carson is charging into her senior year equipped with a handy checklist to ensure nothing goes awry. Things she didn't account for: a hot, new guy who almost runs her over, a messed up class schedule, and a boyfriend who dumps her for one of her best friends. All of that pales in comparison to the threat of her dirty family secrets breaking free from the perfect façade she’s diligently maintained since the death of her brother.
Grayson Alexander is on his fourth school in as many years. Lakewood Valley High is exactly like all the others, with one shiny exception: Isabelle Carson. She’s smart, funny, beautiful— the perfect package. But Isabelle is hiding something, and Grayson is determined to do whatever it takes to win her trust, except step foot in another hypocritical church.
As Isabelle’s life spirals out of control and her carefully crafted, picture-perfect image begins to shatter, Grayson does what no one else can: he makes her laugh and allows her to be imperfect. With rekindled faith, Isabelle sets out to right all the wrongs in her life. But Grayson has been damaged by his own family secrets, and Isabelle will have to decide if the boy she’s falling for more and more each day is a right or a wrong.
A fat raindrop splashes on my arm. Then another. And another. The sky opens, and a deluge of rain falls. I scream and cover my head with my arms, as if that will help.
Grayson scoops his jacket from the ground, drapes it over our heads, and together we run toward the rickety, abandoned pier. We climb underneath it, but it’s so old and worn that it doesn’t provide much protection. Rain seeps through the warped slats. Grayson keeps his jacket over our heads, and we huddle together. I reach up and hold one side of the jacket and scoot closer to him.
“You promised this would be fun,” I say.
“You don’t think this is fun?”
“No.” We turn to look at one another at the same time, and our faces are a breath’s width apart. I inhale deeply, but instead of fresh, calming air, I’m bombarded with his scent mixed with the rain.
“We’ll have to agree to disagree on this, then, because this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” His eyes search mine.
“On this?” I raise a brow. “We pretty much disagree on everything.”
“Only because you argue with everything I say.”
“Because you’re always wrong,” I whisper. My heart is in my throat.
His gaze dips to my mouth, and I instinctively lean closer. So does he. The rain pounds everything around us, drowning out all sounds, save my thundering heart.
“Belle. My snarky, beautiful little Bible thumper.” A hint of a smile lifts his mouth as he slides his hand along the side of my neck. “Please tell me I’m not wrong about this.”
You can read the first chapter here.
About the Author
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