The start of a new Viking fantasy... Winter's Maiden by Morgan L. Busse (Review & #Giveaway) #newbooks #bookx #wintersmaiden #christfic #fantasy #christianfantasy @enclavebooks @celebrate_lit

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Winter's Maiden
(The Nordic Wars #1)
By Morgan L. Busse
Christian Adult Viking Fantasy
Audiobook, Hardcover & eBook, 288 Pages
August 6, 2024 by Enclave Publishing


Warrior. Survivor. Daughter of the North.

From the moment she is born, Brighid fights to survive in the wastelands of Nordica as a clanless one. But when a new power arrives offering a trial to join the Nordic warriors, Brighid enters, hoping to rise above her station. Soon she becomes one of their fiercest fighters and joins the war against the south.

Kaeden carries the blood of the ancient Eldaran race in his veins but turns away from his heritage after the death of his parents. Years later, he is called back to his homeland and invited to be a healer for the southern forces. With the help of an old mentor, the power inside of him starts to awaken. However, his life is turned upside down when a mighty warrior of the Nordic forces is captured.

As Kaeden interacts with the enemy, he discovers there is a darkness behind the Nordic Wars, one that is manipulating the people of the north. But who will believe him? And is there a power strong enough to break the hold of this hidden adversary? Or will the world burn in the flames of war?

(Affiliate links included.)

My Review

WINTER'S MAIDEN is a story of one young woman trying to survive in a destitute life and then in a war-fueled society. Set in a similar historical period as the Viking Era, but in a fantasy world with magical aspects and a powerful being called the Word who has given these magical powers to some to serve and save others. The world is intriguing with likable characters and an engaging plot. Recommended to Christian fantasy fans.

These characters grew on me. I didn't love Brighid right away. I liked her more as she started coming into her own and figuring some things out. Kaeden I liked immediately, although his complaining or hesitancy was a bit frustrating at first. They're both strong, fierce, and want to do what is right. They're both unsure exactly what that is and, Brighid especially, want to survive, but they're on their own paths to figure things out. I liked both of their small groups as well. Brighid has two main friends she fights with that I really liked and a clan leader who I think will have a stronger part to play in her life in the future. Kaeden has healer friends that I liked. He also has quite a lot of opposition from those who should be on his side. The story itself was intriguing. It started out slow but picks up by a third of the way through and then is pretty much all action to the very end.

I struggled with a few parts of this story. The first third felt more like a middle grade book than a young adult or adult one. I think the emotions and dialogue leant that feeling. The dialogue was a bit stinted and felt unrealistic. It did get a bit better, but I think the author does better with fighting scenes and dialogue. I struggle sometimes with stories like this and that happened with this one for me. The religious aspects felt overly strong and too similar to current religion instead of being weaved through more subtly and being a bit more different since the story is set in a fantasy world. This won't be an issue for some other Christian readers.

In the end, was it what I wished for? I enjoyed this story and am curious to see what will happen in book two of this series. The two main characters are easy to cheer on and I'd like to see them eventually be triumphant in their missions. Fans of the author and Christian fantasy should enjoy this one.

Content: A lot of nondescriptive war violence.
Source: I received a complimentary copy through Celebrate Lit, which did not require a positive review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Morgan L. Busse is a writer by day and a mother by night. She is the author of multiple series including The Ravenwood Saga and Skyworld series. She is a three-time Christy Award finalist and won the INSPY, Selah, and Carol Award for best in Christian speculative fiction. During her spare time she enjoys playing games, taking long walks, and dreaming about her next novel.

Find the author here.

Tour Schedule

The Lofty Pages, August 15

Madi’s Musings, August 15

By the Book, August 16

Simple Harvest Reads, August 22 (Guest Review from Mindy)

Stories By Gina, August 24 (Author Interview)

Wishful Endings, August 27

Tour-Wide Giveaway

To celebrate her tour, Morgan is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Have you read any of this author's other books? Have you read any other books with Vikings? 

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